The Power of Words

The Power of Words is unquestionably what drives the digital economy in some shape fashion or form. Powerful Words are the underlying building block of any web Web Site Marketing Strategy, Search Engine Optimization Campaign, Content Publishing, Brand Building and much more.

Top Ten Power of Words you want to incorporate in your Content and Advertising:

1) “You” - considered the go to word for every copywriter going back to Hal Riney’s days. It personalizes your message instantly for the reader and you (no pun) should use it frequently in your marketing copy.

2) “Proven” - sends a signal to your reader that whatever your selling or promoting has been tested, works well, etc. and can also help to remove fear from the buying decision.

3) “Love” - powerful way to make an instant statement - can be trite at times if used improperly.

4) “New” - everybody likes something that’s unique, novel and fresh.

5) “Save” - who doesn’t want to save money in these times (excluding Bill & Steve).

6) “Safety” - resonates with many on a personal level for health or even quality.

7) “Discover” - convey a powerful emotive content that resonates with many.

8) “Guarantee” - conveys a real sense of confidence when purchase is being made.

9) “Results” - sends an implicit message that product or service will deliver.

10) “Health” - adds real sizzle when used in conjunction with a product.

Some Great Power of Words Resources:

Visual Thesaurus - generate a burst of creativity using this new online tool for wordsmiths.

Paid Content - best  portal resource online for all things content focused.

Copyscape Plagiarism Checker - Freemium model - discover if your content is being ripped off.

We trust this post on the  Power of Words helps to provide critical insight about your content marketing strategy moving forward.