Blog Posts

Thee best content marketing strategy and the foundation of any good social media marketing campaign is your Blog. Bar none – zero, zilch! A frequently updated blog is great for search engine rankings, positions your brand as a thought leader give you credibility with your market and positions your site as an “authority” site by Google.

You want to either hire us or write your own blog posts – then, syndicate your posts across your social media accounts to drive significant marketing ROI.

Blogging has revolutionized marketing – giving your business an easy to communicate with and build a targeted following. Blog followers and visitors are accustomed to using blog commenting as a way to react to and interact with your business and you can respond to these in real time. Blogging builds a long term, strong connection and bond with your web site visitors.

Our Outsourced Blog Writing Services

Our blog post writing services will help to establish you as a thought leader in your industry, drive additional search engine rankings, increase your email newsletter signs up and size of your community and provide a steady flow of content you/we can share via your social media accounts.

  • We assign a qualified writer to your blog and business that will help you develop a consistent voice to position your company as a thought leader.

  • We consult with you to get a sense for your blogging and overall content marketing needs and then create a publishing and editorial calendar.

  • In some cases you may want to provide us (informal is fine) with 10-15 ideas you might want us to blog about including news events in your industry or topics that you think would resonate with your market.

  • We research these topics, review your competitors and send you a final list of topics and we make sure these topics and blog post are SEO optimized with keyword integration.

  • Each blog post is between 250-450 words and will also will include images and/or videos.

  • A blog post typically includes 1-3 links out to authority web sites, which add value to the overall quality of the blog post.

  • We will email your blog posts, upload them to a dedicated DropBox folder or publish them for you via your WordPress content management back end.

  • We have a minimum order of ten blog posts.

Let us show you how to use our outsourced blogging services to drive incremental leads and revenue – please reach out to contact us and download our content examples by clicking here.